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Journal of Mental Health and Behavioral Sciences



right arrow  Dr. Sudershan Pasupuleti
Professor, Social Work Department, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Email: sudershan.pasupuleti@utrgv.edu


right arrow  Dr.Tanaka Masaru
Senior Research Fellow, ELHK-SZTE Neuroscience Research Group, Eötös Loránd Research Network Department, University of Szeged (ELKH-SZTE)
Email: tanaka.masaru.1@med.u-szeged.hu
right arrow  Dr.Sam Vaknin
Former Visiting Professor, Psychology Department, Southern Federal University
Email: svaknin@sfedu.ru
right arrow  Dr. Sudershan Pasupuleti
Professor, Social Work Department, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Email: sudershan.pasupuleti@utrgv.edu
right arrow  Dr.Wimolnun Putdivarnichap
Assistant Professor, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Department, Mahidol University
Email: wannapa.sut@mahidol.ac.th
right arrow  Dr.Arthur Frankel
Professor, Psychology Department, Salve Regina University
Email: frankela@uncw.edu
right arrow  Dr.Esther Ogunjimi
Assistant Professor, Social Work Department, Prairie View A&M University
Email: etogunjimi@pvamu.edu
right arrow  Dr.Malahat Akbarfahimi
Associate Professor, Occupational therapy Department, Iran University of Medical Sciences
Email: akbarfahimi.miums.ac.ir
right arrow  Dr.Walid Massoud
Senior Researcher, Psychological Sciences Department, Qatar University
Email: wmassoud@qu.edu.qa
right arrow  Dr.Nawaf S. al-Zyoud
Associate Professor, Psychological Sciences Department, Qatar University
Email: nawaf.alzyoud@qu.edu.qa
right arrow  Dr.Rizwana Amin
Senior Associate Professor, Professional Psychology Department, Bahria University
Email: rizwana.buic@bahria.edu.pk
right arrow  Dr.Ajit Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor, Amity Institute of Behavioral and Allied Sciences, Amity University Rajasthan
Email: aksingh4@jpr.amity.edu
right arrow  Dr.Nasrollah Moradikor
Director, International Center for Neuroscience Research Department, Institute for Intelligent Research
Email: moradikor@tsu.ge
right arrow  Dr.Deepak Kumar Behera
Assistant Professor, Basic Science and Humanities Department, Aditya Institute of Technology and Management
Email: dkbehera4@adityatekkali.edu.in
right arrow  Prof.Tahmineh Mokhtari
Associate Professor, Histology Department, Hubei University of Medicine
Email: mokhtari.tmn@mails.ucas.cn

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